Systems Engineering Certificate

Learn from real-world practitioners who will arm you with knowledge of core processes, techniques, and tactics required to be an effective systems engineer.

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Systems Engineering Certificate

Equip yourself for success in today’s professional systems engineering (SE) environment. The Professional Certificate presents SE techniques focusing on how to design and manage complex engineering systems over the system life cycle. Participants can apply the techniques to a wide range of industries.

Learn from real-world practitioners who will arm you with knowledge of core processes, techniques, and tactics required to be an effective systems engineer. Comprised of five courses, concentrating on the principles of systems engineering management; system requirement definition, analysis, and modeling; concept development; and system integration and verification; the program validates participants’ knowledge of the systems engineering interdisciplinary approach.

All five courses now available On Demand via Online Learning. Begin the certificate anytime; complete each course in one month.

Take the 5-course certificate.
You can also take just 1 course.
Prerequisite: Undergraduate degree in a technical field or equivalent experience.

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